What’s Your Skin Type? Our Full Guide On How to Figure Out Your Skin Type & How to Care For Your Skin

One of the most important steps in your skincare routine is learning your skin type. Why? Because your skin type influences which products are best suited to you and your skin’s specific and unique needs. 

What are the different skin types? How do you know which type you have?

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, there are five skin types:

  1. Normal Skin
  2. Oily Skin (this can also be referred to as greasy or acne-prone)
  3. Combination Skin (commonly referred to as combo skin)
  4. Dry Skin
  5. Sensitive Skin

To figure out what your skin type is, Healthline recommends you do a “day test” or a “wash test” and ask yourself a few questions about your skin following the test. 

For the day test, think about a day when your skin hasn’t been exposed to many external stimulants (like intense winds, cold air, or intense exercise), and ask yourself:

For the wash test, wash your face and then apply NO products. (We know it’s tempting to do your full routine, but adding products will impact the results!). After half an hour, ask yourself the same questions listed above about your skin.

The results will likely fall into one of these categories:

Though keep in mind that your skin type can change due to things like age, hormones, and even the weather. If your skin starts reacting differently to your usual products or starts to feel like some of the other descriptors, it’s time to re-evaluate your skin and do another skin test.

Save this infographic to your phone or to Pinterest for future reference.

Skincare Tips for Each of the Five Skin Types

Now that you know your skin type, you can make better choices for the products you use for your skincare routine. You can look for ingredients that will help with your skin needs so you can enjoy glowing skin.

So what are your skin needs? Take a look at your skin type below for your skin type’s needs and tips to care for your skin.

Skin Care Tips for Normal Skin

This section is for you if your skin looks fairly even-toned with little to no redness, shininess, or flaking.

Normal Skin Type Needs:

You likely don’t need too much if this is your skin type. You’ll want to focus on products that keep your skin clear and maintain the natural balance it has going for it. For this reason, we recommend looking for a gentle cleanser that will lift away dirt, sweat, and makeup and some light hydration to keep skin soft and supple.

You’ll also want to make sure you’re following a consistent and regular skincare routine to maintain your skin (especially if you wear makeup or work out frequently). 

Normal Skin Type Product Recommendations:

Our Black Soap Cleanser and Tea Tree Cleanser are amazing options for gentle cleansing. Follow these up with a toner for hydra-boost and finish off with a serum like our Perfect Skin Serum or Skin Revive Brightening Serum to keep your skin glowing and clear.

Skin Care Tips for Oily Skin

This section is for you if your skin looks shiny and feels oily or greasy.

Oily Skin Type Needs:

Oily skin is caused by excess oil secretion in the skin, so you’ll want to look for products that help regulate your skin’s natural oil production. You’ll also likely want acne-fighting and acne-preventing products, as breakouts are common with this skin type.

Another common trait of oily skin types is large pores and blackheads, so you may also want to consider pore-minimizing products. (Did you know witch hazel helps to naturally reduce the look of large pores?)

Oily Skin Type Product Recommendations:

Look for products that contain ingredients like tea tree essential oil, aloe vera, and witch hazel. Ingredients like these help to reduce excess oil while also helping you achieve hydrated and clear skin.

A few of our best products for oily skin that include these ingredients are our Tea Tree Face Cleanser, Tea Tree Face Toner, Perfect Skin Serum, and Shea Skin Therapy.

Skin Care Tips for Combination Skin

This section is for you if your skin looks shiny in some areas (think t-zone aka your forehead, nose, and chin) and looks clear in others.

Combination Skin Type Needs:

With this skin type you’ll want to find products that can do it all – keep your oily skin balanced, your dry skin hydrated or your normal skin well maintained. We know this is a tall order! So look for gentle products that clarify, hydrate, and balance your skin.

Combination Skin Type Product Recommendations:

Use products for oily skin on the oily areas of your face like our Tea Tree Toner or Tea Tree Face Mask. And then use balancing and gentle products over your entire face, like our Radiant Glow Cleansing Oil, Lemongrass Balancing Mist, and our Shea Skin Therapy.

Skin Care Tips for Dry Skin

This section is for you if your skin looks flaky and feels tight.

Dry Skin Type Needs:

This one’s plain and simple, your skin needs hydration and moisture added to it. You may also want to consider adding in gentle exfoliation to help clear away dry skin and the look of flaky skin.

This skin type is also prone to looking dull, so you may want to look for options that offer you help to reveal your skin’s natural radiance for bright, glowing skin.

Dry Skin Type Product Recommendations:

Our go-to product recommendations for dry skin include our hydrating and glow-revealing Radiant Glow Elixir, Radiant Glow Cleansing Oil, Black Soap Cleanser, Chamomile Hydration Mist, and Shea Smooth Butter.

For a gentle exfoliation, try out our Tea Tree Face Mask. But, make sure to only use this one or two times a week, you don’t want to over-exfoliate your skin! 

Skin Care Tips for Sensitive Skin

This section is for you if your skin looks red or feels irritated or itchy.

Sensitive Skin Type Needs:

It is essential to be careful about what goes on your skin if it is sensitive. Genetics, environment, and allergies play a role when it comes to sensitive skin, so you’ll want to be aware of your allergies and triggers when choosing new products. You’ll also want to find options that calm and soothe your easily inflamed skin.

Take the time to do a spot test for any new products you’re adding to your routine. And, look for ingredients that are soothing, calming, and anti-inflammatory (like rose water, witch hazel, and aloe vera). 

Sensitive Skin Type Product Recommendations:

Our sensitive skin product recommendations that are soothing, calming, and breakout-preventing: Black Soap CleanserRose Water Face Mist, Rose Revive Face Serum, and our Mark & Scar Therapy Butter.

Skincare Tips for ALL Skin Types

Regardless of your skin type, there are some skin tips that everyone should consider using. These skin tips for all everyone include:

Apply these skin tips and product recommendations to your skincare routine and start enjoying clearer, more radiant skin.

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